Ready to give up the struggle and be seen, heard, and loved? 

Welcome! This is where you

Get your G.L.O.A.T.™

(Greatest Love Of All Time)

Licensed, Certified Hypnotherapy and Relationship Coaching

Peaceful Familial Relationships 



A Mate

for Your Soul   

Too many black women feel frustrated about Love. 

Without trustworthy guidance, you'll likely...

  • Waste some of your best years on the wrong partner. 
  • Never truly know who you can trust with your heart. 
  • Continue to rely solely on family and friends for companionship.
  • Miss out on the most essential experience of a person's life. (Intimate partnership.)
  • Stay stuck in an unfulfilling dating cycle or shut your love life down altogether.
  • Always wonder if romantic partners are "using" you. 
  • Stay recovering from failed situationships.
  • Keep navigating through the pain of betrayal 

The crappy dating scene and toxic stereotypes can make us doubt our ability to have the relationship we desire, but connecting with our ideal person is our birthright. 

Our 1-1 coaching program guides professional, influential black women to get our G.L.O.A.T.™


Personal Expert Guidance To Take You From "Struggle Love" to A Mate For Your Soul 

Weekly live coaching calls with step-by-step love life support and accountability.

Hypnotherapy sessions to heal your thoughts and free your heart. 

24/7 access to our content library. With titles like... "Ghosted, what now?", "What is Big D*ck Dissonance?", "Do I Need A Soft Girl Era?"

An exclusive, private community of sisters who support each other. (coming soon) 

 A clear path from point A to point B that integrates into your life and lights up your single season. 

Teaching and accountability that gets you fantastic dates that lead to a fantastic relationship. 


Your plan to go from 'doing life alone' to half a happy couple. 

Step 1

Apply for a personal one-on-one


Why an application? Because everyone is not ready. The application is designed to assess whether you are at a stage where we can get you results. 

Step 2

If accepted, come to

the call ready for coaching. 

This is a complimentary call to talk about your current dating life and what we need to do to match your reality with your desires. If we're a fit, Step 3.   

Step 3

Get Your Greatest Love of All Time.


Once you register for the coaching program you will tap into everything you need to attract a mate for your soul. No more time-wasting or wishing for luck. 

Meet Your Guide

Candice Harper, Relationship Coach, Hypnotherapist, Workshop Facilitator, Speaker, Podcaster, and Author.

"I believe that we are all colossally powerful and the only difference between those of us who live our best love life and those who don't are our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. I want everyone to experience being seen, heard, and accepted. I want everyone to have the tools to attract and sustain a loving relationship." 

I've designed a proven process for women of color like me who have been through relationship challenges, perhaps have always identified themselves as a lone wolf, and are ready to start having deep-level intimate connections while being 100% fully authentic and happy. 



Feedback is our favorite part of relationships. 

Ellisa Hartley

"My favorite part was all the awesome sessions. 

My biggest takeaway was how important it is to be authentic and know that I am enough.

I have completely transformed the way that I treat myself. 

In my personal relationships, I am unapologetically me. 

I am so thankful for The EPIC Circle."

Marianne Prieto

"Candice finds a way to perfectly balance both being able to listen and give great coaching. Her weekly assignments are never overwhelming and my husband and I have always found them to be incredibly useful. Candice has changed our lives and we hope to have her in them for a very long time!"

Melissa Castro

"With the tools I learned from Candice I was able to spend one peaceful week at my mothers' home taking care of her. I hadn't spent that amount of time with her in years. Shortly after finishing my coaching with Candice I got into a relationship with a wonderful man. This was after several years of not having been in an intimate relationship."

Sobrina Williams

"I was looking for connection with people. What I got was something surprisingly amazing, Candice is phenomenal. 

I have completely transformed

into a more positive and confident woman and I don't take things personally anymore. In my personal relationships, I am a much better listener. 

What I got was the knowledge that I am enough."

Fact is, no one teaches us how to attract and sustain a healthy, loving relationship. So we often end up frustrated and alone.

As black women who are highly influenced by our culture, we’ve got a ton of stuff to process and overcome.

We’re raised to be educated, accomplished, well-spoken, and cycle-breaking but also softer, feminine, someone who can fulfill the desires of a man. Add to that, a stellar mother, an obedient daughter, a faithful (insert religion here), and a “strong black” trope that never did any of us any favors.

We haven’t even scratched the surface of doing it all in the face of patriarchal white supremacy and misogynoir.

No wonder we’re frustrated. No wonder we struggle to believe in love. No wonder we are mistrustful. No wonder we are operating from our heads and not our hearts and are scared to death to get hurt again.

We created the 'Get Your G.L.O.A.T™' coaching program to eliminate the negative beliefs and toxic stereotypes we’ve internalized. We offer simple practices and transformational guidance that will bring you the healthy, loving relationship that is your birthright.

That’s why our 1-1 program focuses on clearing the blocks to heart-centered partnership.

When you register, you'll complete an orientation questionnaire. We’ll get crystal clear about where you are and where you want to be.

From there, you'll have access to our team to ask questions and get help staying motivated, focused, and passionate as you’re love life evolves into your deepest desires. Imagine how good it will feel to be confident that you're fully self-expressed and allowing love in your life.

No more hobo-sexuals, no more lonely evenings with no end in sight, no more trying to figure out if the next date is worth your time, and no more declaring a moratorium on your love life. Finally, you'll have the support you need to get your Greatest Love Of All Time™.


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